Congratulations to our 2023 AWS workshop of year winners!
AWS presented the winners of the Workshop of the Year 2023 awards (WotYA). They are…

These members were among 10 finalists representing the top 2% of the membership. The finalists were…
- 1st Call Caravans Ltd
- Cara-Fix Midlands Ltd
- Caravan Geek
- Caravan Motorhome Care Services
- Johns Caravans
- Kirk Caravan Service
- Kurts Mobile Caravan Services Ltd
- Severnview Caravan Services
- Teesside Caravans
- Walsall Caravan Sales & Service Ltd
This is a great achievement and something to be proud of and we would like to congratulate all for their hard work and continued support for the scheme.
Throughout the coming year we will be collating data ready for the 2024 winner selection process shortly after the years ends on 31st December. Once again, winners will be announced at the February CCM show.
If you have a favourite workshop, please vote for them today (click here).
Are you eligible for the 2024 workshop of the year award?
The AWS workshop of the year awards are back again for 2024. Winning the award is a perfect opportunity to set your business apart as the best of best.
The best way to ensure you are eligible for the entry into the awards, is to maintain a green compliance grade for a minimum of 90% of the membership year. You can login to your members area to find out your compliance grade.
Alone with the compliance grade, the other eligibility criteria be:
You must have been a member for one whole membership year. This means only workshops who have been in membership for a minimum of 12 months will be entered. For example, for 2024 award, you will need to have joined the scheme on or before the 31st of December 2023.
The workshop must not have been suspended at any point and for any length of time during the qualifying membership year.
What will AWS look for?
Once you have been entered into the competition, AWS will then look at the following to create a shortlist of entrances:
Profile design:
Every member has access to an editable free member profile on the AWS website. Only those that have fully completed their profile, with text, logos images etc. will progress to the next stage. You can update your profile in the members area of the website.
Company website:
AWS will then look your website (or social media page if you do not have a website). Does it highlight AWS and your membership correctly? Is it user friendly and engaging. A business’ website is often the first opportunity a company has to sell themselves to their potential customers, so it needs to be great!
Company reviews:
AWS will look at the customer reviews submitted to the AWS website. As part of your membership, you are encouraged to promote your reviews section on the AWS website.
Customer votes:
As with previous years, AWS have launched a customer voting form. Click here to view the form. Please share the link with your customers so they can get voting now!
Shortlist statement:
The workshops that make it to the short list will be contacted in January 2025 and asked to provide a short testimonial, telling AWS what membership means to you and what winning would mean to you.
What will you get if you win?
The fixed workshop and mobile workshop winners will each get a £500 cheque each to spend how they see fit. As well as this, the winners will also get a frame award certificate, jpeg of the winner rosette to be used to promote the win.
The competition closes on the 31st of December 2024 after which point the deliberation will begin.
Good luck!